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BBL: Information @ the Extremes: The National Park Service and a Digital Future

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HCIL (2105 Hornbake, South Wing)


Information access, use, preservation, and policy has taken on new meanings for me as I have worked in the federal government. My leave from UMD has spanned two presidential administrations and almost two years. Join me as I reflect on “information @ the extremes” and how we have brought participatory leadership to digital change at the National Park Service. The information I share with you represents my own opinions and ideas and does not reflect the positions of the National Park Service, nor the Department of the Interior, nor the federal government. I also ask that social media not be used to post a summary.


Dr. Allison Druin is currently a Special Advisor for National Digital Strategy at the National Park Service. To serve in the federal government, Dr. Druin has taken a 2-year leave of absence being a Professor from the University of Maryland. Previous to her position with the National Park Service, she was Chief Futurist for the UMD Office of the Vice President of Research, and co-founded the Future of Information of Alliance. One position that has not changed for almost 20 years, is being a proud member of the University of Maryland’s Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) where she founded “KidsTeam” to design new technologies for children with children as design partners. For over 12 years she worked with the National Park Service as an outside partner to help develop new digital experiences for learning about the historic, scientific, or cultural aspects of a park or NPS program.