BBL Speaker Series: Brian Wentz & Meagan Griffith, “Evaluating the Cost of Accessibility through the Lens of Time”
Join us every Thursday at 12:30pm ET for HCIL’s Brown Bag Lunch (BBL) speaker series and hear talks from HCIL students, faculty, and visitors.
During fall 2021, all talks will be held over Zoom with an in-person option. See the details about speakers on the BBL speaker series schedule page.
On November 11, Brian Wentz, visiting professor at the iSchool, and Meagan Griffith, second year HCIM student, will give a talk on “Evaluating the Cost of Accessibility through the Lens of Time” which will discuss findings related to the unanswered question of time loss directly due to inaccessible web interfaces and its implications not only for organizations but most importantly to users with disabilities.
Location: HBK2119 and on Zoom
Zoom registration: Click here to register