University of Maryland

Featured Research

CHI 2024 roundup: UMD’s HCIL has another strong showing at CHI with 15 papers and two honorable mentions

The ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) is the premiere conference for HCI research, and each year includes numerous papers and presentations from HCIL members. This year is no different, with 18 entries from HCIL faculty and students. Across 15 papers, two workshops, and a  SIG (special interest groups), and one interactive…

HCIL members publish 19 papers, win multiple awards at CHI 2023

The 2023 ACM conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) features contributions from a large number of HCIL members. Congratulations to the 15 HCIL faculty and 17 students who had papers, workshops, and SIGs (special interest groups) accepted at this year’s conference. We extend a special congratulations to the three papers that received honorable…

Sparks of Innovation Blog

Sparks of Innovation is our new Medium publication. Our faculty and students write short (800 words or so) popular science blog posts on their scientific articles. We also write short posts about events, news items, trip reports, and reviews of books written by HCIL members. The goal is for the content here to be approachable…

Understanding Data by Having Computers and Humans Work Together

By Zhe Cui, Karthik Badam, Adil Yalcin, and Niklas Elmqvist Understanding data using computer data science tools can be seen as a collaboration between the analyst and the computer. Most data tools put the analyst in the driver’s seat to guide the analysis. For example, in Excel, you need to select rows and columns and…

Advanced Transportation Lab is a long term partner of HCIL

At the University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT LAB), more than 100 engineers, developers, researchers and students work to provide officials with actionable insight that can help keep transportation systems running smoothly. Housed in the A. James Clark School of Engineering, The CATT Lab is interested in providing planners, operators and researchers with computer…

Science Everywhere

Engaging entire neighborhoods in science learning with technology   Science Everywhere is an NSF funded research study aimed at understanding how technology can engage entire communities in science learning. We utilize a design-based research approach in which we co-design innovative science learning technology with families, teachers, and leaders in a community, implement that technology in the…

KidsTeam: Children & Adults Working as Design Partners

Making technology for kids without working directly with them is “like making clothes for someone you don’t know the size of.” – Thomas, KidsTeam Child Design Partner Alumni Introduction The child and adult members of KidsTeam work together at the University of Maryland’s Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) to co-design technologies that support children’s learning and play….