University of Maryland

2019 HCIL symposium program

During the 2019 symposium HCIL faculty and students presented their latest work in well polished talks, posters or demos. Tutorials were offered. More than 220 people attended from academia, industry and government agencies.
Thank you to our 2019 Symposium sponsors
8:15 Registration & Light Breakfast
9:00 Plenary Talks
  • Welcome Address Niklas Elmqvist, Director of Human-Computer Interaction Lab. Ming Lin, Professor and Chair the Department of Computer Science
  • Usable Security Beyond End Users (slides) Michelle Mazurek
  • Translating Accessibility Research into Accessibility Practice(slides) Jonathan Lazar
10:30 Plenary Talks (continued)
  • Developing Performance Benchmarks for Interactive Analysis Systems(slides) Leilani Battle
  • Assessing the Value of Group Ideation in Intelligence Analysis using Structured and Unstructured Approaches Yla Tausczik, Mihai Boicu, Gheorghe Tecuci
  • Block-based Comprehension: The Impact of Program Representation on Student Performance(slides) David Weintrop, Heather Killen
FULL-DAY Tutorial
Lunch then we split in parallel sessions
12:45 Security and Privacy Chair: Michelle Mazurek
  • CTFs IRL: A Field Study on the Impact of Hacking Competitions on Secure Development(slides) Daniel Votipka, Michelle Mazurek, Hongyi Hu
  • An Observational Investigation of Reverse Engineers’ Processes and Mental Models(slides) Seth Rabin, Daniel Votipka, Kris Micinski, Jeff Foster, and Michelle Mazurek
  • Improving Non-Experts’ Understanding of End-to-End Encryption: An Exploratory Study(slides) Wei Bai, Michael Pearson, and Michelle Mazurek
  • How Entertainment Media Shapes Perceptions of Cybersecurity(slides) Kelsey Fulton, Rebecca Gelles, Alexandra McKay, Richard Roberts, and Michelle Mazurek
  • Understanding the Role of Privacy and Trust in Intelligent Personal Assistant Adoption(slides) Yuting Liao, Jessica Vitak, Priya Kumar, Michael Zimmer
  • Privacy and Security Considerations for Digital Technology Use in Elementary Schools(slides) Priya Kumar, Marshini Chetty, Tamara Clegg, Jessica Vitak
STEM Learning & Computational Thinking Chair: David Weintrop
  • How Live Programming Shapes Childrens’ Interactions with Physical Computing Devices(slides) Lautaro Cabrera, David Weintrop
  • Social Media in the Science Classroom: Bridging Funds of Knowledge to Scientific Concepts(slides) Kelly Mills, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Tammy Clegg, June Ahn, Jason Yip, Daniel Pauw, Lautaro Cabrera, Kenna Hernley, Caroline Pitt
  • Digital Stickers for Interest-Driven and Place-Based Learning(slides) Daniel Pauw, Hannoori Jeong, Janet Bih FoFang, Cachanda Orellan, Samara Orellana, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Tammy Clegg
  • Designing Binary Learning Games for Middle Schoolers(slides) Merijke Coenraad, Noel Kuriakos, Diane Jass Ketelhutt, Jan Plane, Michel Cukier, David Weintrop
  • Teaching Fourth Grade Mathematics and Computational Thinking with Sphero(slides) David Weintrop, Janet Bih Fofang, Margret Walton, Janet Walkoe
Design Chair: Eun Kyoung Choe
  • Designing for Sociality in the Garden(slides) Hanuma Teja Maddali, Amanda Lazar
  • Co-Designing Food Trackers with Dietitians: Identifying Design Opportunities for Food Tracker Customization(slides) Yuhan Luo, Peiyi Liu, Eun Kyoung Choe
  • Analyzing the Evolution of Relationships with Dynamic Hypergraphs (slides) Catherine Plaisant
  • PrototypAR: Prototyping and Simulating Complex Systems with Paper Craft and Augmented Reality(slides) Seokbin Kang, Leyla Norooz, Tammy Clegg, Jon Froehlich
  • “A Phantom Friend” vs. “A Little Box with Information”: An Ontological Categorization of Embodied Voice Assistants(slides) Alisha Pradhan, Amanda Lazar, Leah Findlater
HALF-DAY Tutorials

  • FULL-DAY Tutorial continues till 4:30
2:45 Accessibility and Aging Chair: Amanda Lazar
  • Effective Sensory Prompting for People With Dementia(slides) Emma Dixon, Amanda Lazar
  • Hands Holding Clues for Object Recognition in Teachable Machines(slides) Kyungjun Lee, Hernisa Kacorri
  • #HandsOffMyADA: A Twitter Response to the ADA Education and Reform Act<(slides) Brooke Auxier, Cody Buntain, Paul T. Jaeger, Jen Golbeck and Hernisa Kacorri
  • Reviewing Speech Input with Audio: Differences Between Blind and Sighted Users Jonggi Hong, Christine Vaing, Hernisa Kacorri, Leah Findlater
  • Improving PDF Accessibility Evaluation and Remediation Tools for STEM Researchers and Practitioners(slides) Aravind Rajkumar, Jonathan Lazar
Collaboration and Innovation Chair: Joel Chan
  • Collaborative Sensemaking in Data Science Teams: The Role of Transactive Memory Systems(slides) Joohee Choi, Yla Tausczik
  • The Effects of Discussion Self-Selection on Knowledge Sharing in Online Dicussions(slides) Xiaoyun Huang, Yla Tausczik
  • Finding Analogies from the Web to Inspire Innovation(slides) Xin Qian, Joel Chan
  • Efficient Lossless Compression of Scientific Claims Matt Erhart, Joel Chan
~ Panel Discussion
Understanding Data Chair: Niklas Elmqvist
  • Beyond the #Justice hashtags: Understanding Digital Participation After Police-involved Deaths(slides) Kimberly Glasgow, Yla Tausczik
  • Science by Sight: Data Visualization as an Alternative to Equation-based Analytic Methods in Science Instruction (slides) Eric Newburger, Niklas Elmqvist
  • Proactive Visual Data Exploration using Automatic Computations(slides) Zhe Cui, Niklas Elmqvist
  • ORC Layout: Adaptive GUI Layout with OR-Constraints(slides) Yue Jiang, Ruofei Du, Christof Lutteroth, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
  • Vistrates: A Versatile Platform for Data Analytics(slides) Karthik Badam, Andreas Mathisen, Roman Rädle, Clemens Klokmose, Niklas Elmqvist
All tutorials continue until 4:30 pm
4:30 to 5:30 Posters and Demos
  • Terps Makeathon (12 posters): the first User Experience Design hackathon at the University of Maryland 12 teams of students competing for prizes
  • Do Hidden Comment Scores Affect Discussions? Text Analysis of Programming Data Science Forums Jake Cupani, Xiaoyun Huang, Yla Tausczik
  • An In-Depth Exploration of the Online Security Advice Ecosystem Noel Warford, Amritha Jayanti, Elissa Redmiles, Michelle Mazurek
  • Understanding security mistakes developers make: Qualitative analysis from Build It, Break It, Fix It Matthew Hou, Daniel Votipka, Kelsey Fulton, James Parker, Michelle Mazurek, and Michael Hicks
  • Designing Technology to Increase Adoption of Healthy Behaviors in Men in the Context of Light Food Consumption Diva Smriti, Eun Kyoung Choe
  • Personal Tracking in Groups: Exploring Tracking Behaviors in Sports Teams Pramod Chundury, Eun Kyoung Choe
  • First Steps: Helping Beginners Visualize Their Data Arjun Nair, Leilani Battle
  • Modeling User Behavior When Exploring Massive Medical Images Ameya Patil, Leilani Battle
  • Replay Simulator – Simulating Brushing and Linking Interactions over Connected Histograms BJ Sallah, Leilani Battle
  • Mobile Teachable Object Recognizer for Blind Users Jonggi Hong, Jaina Gandhi, Hernisa Kacorri
  • Morphic: Unlocking the flexibility, power and simplicity hidden in your computer. Aashrey Sharma (and the TRACE Center)
  • Why Wait for Grown-Ups? The World’s Future Leaders Can Design Right Now! Kidsteam: an intergenerational design team of children (7-12 y.o.) and adults who work together to design technologies and technology-mediated experiences for children.

