University of Maryland


Catherine Plaisant’s AVI 2004 keynote paper “The challenge of information visualization evaluation” honored by ACM SIGMM  

  Catherine Plaisant’s paper “The challenge of information visualization evaluation” from AVI 2004 was honored by ACM SIGMM  (Multimedia) today. For the first time ACM SIGMM gave Test of Time awards this year. The selection committee looked at 10 year old papers to give the 2020 award, then gave a single honourable mention for each…

Daniel Votipka (MC2 and HCIL) is a recipient of the 2020 John Karat Usable Privacy and Security Student Research Award

Daniel Votipka, a CS PhD student in the Maryland Cybersecurity Center (MC2) and HCIL is a recipient of the 2020 John Karat Usable Privacy and Security Student Research Award for his excellence in research and dedication to mentorship and community service. Daniel was recognized for the award at the 2020 Symposium on Usable Privacy and…

Jonathan Lazar recipient of 2020 ACM SIGACCESS Award

Jonathan Lazar was named the winner of the 2020 ACM SIGACCESS Award for Outstanding Contributions to Computing and Accessibility. It is the highest award given by ACM SIGACCESS (Special Interest Groups on Accessible Computing), and it’s only given once every two years. The award will be given at the ASSETS conference in October, at which Jonathan will give a keynote speech.

HCIL 2019–2020 News Roundup

There is no doubt that 2019–2020 is yet another fruitful year for HCIL. All year round, faculty, staff, and students in the HCIL have been receiving great news, from best research paper awards at top research venues to research grants and fellowships from both government agencies and industrial partners. These accomplishments show that the HCIL…

HCIL publishes “Sparks of Innovation – Stories from the HCIL”, a blog post collection on Medium

The HCIL at University of Maryland has a long and rich history of transforming the experience people have with new technologies. One way we do this is in communicating our research to the rest of the world. Now we are taking another step by introducing “Sparks of Innovation: Stories from the HCIL”, a Medium publication for sharing our…

Catherine Plaisant Honored with ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award

Catherine Plaisant, Associate Director of Research of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab and a senior research scientist in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), has been recognized by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI) with its Lifetime Service Award. Read more>