University of Maryland


Jessica Vitak Appointed New Director of HCIL

Jessica Vitak, associate professor in the University of Maryland’s iSchool and affiliate professor in UMD’s Communication Department began her term as the new director of HCIL on August 30, 2021. Jessica has been part of the HCIL since joining the iSchool in 2012. Her research explores the privacy, surveillance, and ethical challenges raised by new technologies. In…

Catherine Plaisant retires after 34 years at HCIL

Catherine Plaisant, Associate Director of Research of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab and a senior research scientist in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), retired on June 4th 2021. UMIACS published a story: Catherine Plaisant Concludes Stellar 34-Year Career at UMD and produce this video:

Jonathan Lazar elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy

Jonathan Lazar was elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy, SIGCHI’s recognition of influential scholars in the field of HCI. The award ceremony took place on May 6th, 2021 prior to the CHI 2021 Virtual Conference. Congratulations Jonathan on this major award!

Catherine Plaisant Honored with IEEE VGTC Visualization Career Award

Catherine Plaisant, Associate Director of Research of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab and a senior research scientist in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS), has been recognized by IEEE VGTC with the Visualization Career Award. The award was presented on October 27th, 2020 at the VIS 2020 conference, during the virtual opening…

Niklas Elmqvist co-PI on a $3M NSF Convergence Accelerator grant to develop new workforce training using augmented and virtual reality  

Niklas Elmqvist is co-PI on a $3M NSF Convergence Accelerator grant led by Karthik Ramani (the Donald W. Feddersen Distinguished Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University). This project aims to develop new workforce training using augmented and virtual reality.  This project, SkillXR, will focus on the manufacturing industry, which traditionally has had low-tech employee training methods (in-person…

The HCIL at IEEE VIS 2020

At the end of October, visualization researchers from all around the world usually gather for the IEEE Visualization conference. The Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at University of Maryland will be among them with a strong showing of papers, panels and other presentations. Read on for more details.