University of Maryland


The last HCIL Symposium was May 27 and virtual

Check back for link

PERVADE project featured at a Coalition for National Science Funding event

As the UMD representative at a Coalition for National Science Funding event, Jessica Vitak went to Capitol Hill to talk with Congressional representatives about the pervasive data ethics research she and her PERVADE collaborators are working on.

Druin Named ACM Fellow

Allison Druin has been named an ACM 2016 Fellow.

Bederson Receives Best Historical Paper Award

Ben Bederson and his co-authors Amy Karlson and Pekka Parhi  received a Best Historical Paper Award at MobileHCI 2016.

Shneiderman and Plaisant Receive “Test of Time” Awards

This October, Ben Shneiderman and Catherine Plaisant were honored with two “Test of Time” Awards at the IEEE VIS2016 Conference in Baltimore, MD.

HCIL Welcomes New Directors

The HCIL is pleased to welcome new Director Niklas Elmqvist and Associate Director Jessica Vitak!