University of Maryland


Designing the User Interface, 6th Edition

Since its first edition in 1986, Designing the User Interface has been a cornerstone in the conversation about human-computer interaction. Its revised 6th edition includes contributions from several HCIL members.

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Chetty and Clegg Receive Google Faculty Research Award

HCIL faculty members Marshini Chetty and Tammy Clegg have received a Google Faculty Research Award to study children’s mental models of online safety on mobile devices.

Allison Druin Elected to SIGCHI Academy

Allison Druin has been elected to the SIGCHI Academy.

Praise for Shneiderman’s ABCs of Research

Ben Shneiderman’s The New ABCs of Research has been getting great advance press .

Ben Shneiderman Named 2015 NAI Fellow

Dr. Ben Shneiderman  has been named a 2015 Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.